Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stirling's First Birthday

Today was Stirling's first birthday! Wow- just one year ago, RJ and I were marveling at our tiny new son in a hospital room. It has been quite a year and we have enjoyed... well, most of it! I actually can't really remember much from the first 4 or 5 months of Stirling's life. Anyway, our little baby has turned into a toddler, and is a busy, active boy. We love him more than words can say. I am going to put on tons of photos for all of our family and friends we would have liked to invite to his birthday party! This was one of those times where it was really difficult being so far from all of our loved ones. I miss everyone... **Tried to load video, but computer was slow... will try again later... -C

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mama's Boy or Like Father Like Son?


Morning swims are great becuase there is no one else in the pool, and it isn't too hot yet! Stirling LOVES the water. He laughs and kicks his feet and fearlessly wants to lunge out of my arms. When I sit him on the side of the pool he will "jump" in for me to catch him. It is so much fun to go swimming with Stirling!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Guys

Bumps, bruises, mischief, wrestling...

Mother's day

Happy Mother's Day! Today is my first official mother's day.

Rj brought me some beautiful yellow tulips last night, and today Stirling gave me a gift card to the movie theater! Rj and Stirling also made me a really nice card with this sentiment inside:
"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children."
You are a wonderful mother, you only have to look at Stirling to see that. If all parents were as good as you the world would be a beautiful place indeed.
Love RJ and Stirling.

RJ is so good at gift-giving. We are keeping things quiet today since Stirling is sick. He has had a fever the last two days and is sniffly, squirty, and all kinds of other gross stuff! And now he woke up from his nap crying since the door was just shut a little too forcefully.
Here is Stirling looking at his food instead of eating it. He hasn't wanted any food or drinks at all.

Ralph is also in bad shape. Something got to him a few nights ago and tore a big chunk of fur and skin off his side and there is one long gash, and one deeper puncture wound on the exposed area. On Friday he was yowling a lot, and stayed outside out of Stirling's way even though it was about 103 degrees. Yesterday he seemed a little better and decided to come inside and hide behind the couch. Hopefully his owie will start to heal soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just pics...

Just some pretty springtime pics...

First shoes! and a birthday

Stirling got his first pair of shoes in late April. They are a nice summery, close-toed sandal. He is very good at walking in them already and knows that when we put shoes on, it is time to go outside. He even sometimes brings his shoes to us to tell us he wants to go outside. Boy he learns fast! I can't believe how grown-up he looks toddling around in his little shoes.

It was my birthday last week too. This year was so much nicer than last year. I was in the hospital with gall-bladder/pregnancy problems last year on my birthday, and RJ had to eat my whole birthday cake by himself. This year I got cake, balloons, presents, and no hospital!! Plus, for the first time, we got a baby-sitter and went out to dinner by ourselves. Twenty-nine is shaping up to be a good year!