Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We have had several windy days recently and Stirling and I had the following conversation about wind today on the way home.

Stirling: "Is it windy right now?"
Me: "No, there is no wind right now."
Stirling: "Where did the wind go?"
Me: "It's gone. It went away today."
Stirling: "Did the wind go with its family?"
Me: "Yes, that must be it!"

He has asked several times where the wind has gone, and never seems quite satisfied with my answer that it is just gone. So today he came up with his own good explanation!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Eczema woes

I feel so helpless and upset every time I look at Stirling's arms and legs. His eczema has gotten so bad in the past couple of weeks. We went to the doctor a few weeks ago, but it was just a few red bumps on his knees and and some bumps and sores on his elbows. Right after the doctor's visit, it started spreading. We've been using all the creams and ointments, but it is so red and scaly it just makes me want to weep. My poor little guy.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


"Easter chickens live inside of here." -Stirling this morning, while playing with plastic Easter eggs.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Snuggle Bunny

Cute things Stirling has said to me this week:

In the car on the way home one afternoon-
Me- "Stirling did you have a good day at school?"
Stirling- "Yep. How was your day momma?"
How sweet is that? What a nice little boy!

In the grocery store parking lot yesterday, Stirling grabbed me and pulled me close and said "you're my snuggle bunny!" Such a cutie!