Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas or Chaos?

I have found it to be a huge challenge this year to do all the holiday activities that I had looked forward to.  Last year I wasn't working so I had plenty of time to plan, shop, bake and enjoy a slower pace during the holiday season.  The few years before that, I had a three week break at Christmas time and Logan was so young that he wasn't really involved in all of the Christmas preparation.  This year I feel a little frantic as I try to "get it done," and am not feeling nearly as happy doing it.  Hmmm....  Honestly, I don't know if I will try to do EVERYTHING next year because it just isn't fun right now.  I saw a post on Pinterest about doing daily Advent activities and the gist of it was that the mommy's attitude mattered more than the activity.  And lately, my attitude stinks.  It may have something to do with the fact that my boys are at each others' throats all the time, or that Logan has been sick with an ear/sinus infection, or that he is a potty training two year old, or I am tired from commuting two hours every day, or my class of needy students uses up all my patience.  Don't get me wrong... there have still been a few fun days of Advent activities.  We made peppermint scented glittery play-doh.  Logan and I made a big batch of gingersnaps.   We all frosted a mountain of sugar cookies.  We had a "snowball" fight indoors with cotton balls.  I do try to have fun, and sometimes we succeed.  But something just isn't as good this year.  Oh well, I can always try something different next year.

Fall Highlights

Let's see...
Stirling learned how to ride a bike without training wheels.

Before it got too cold, we found some time for a nearby playground and the dirt pile around the corner!

We enjoyed carving pumpkins that we grew in our garden for Halloween.
 We had fun visiting family at the Wright's house for Thanksgiving.