Monday, September 13, 2010

Colleen and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day

(Well, that may be a slight exaggeration. But only slightly!)
1. Car wouldn't start this morning so Rj had to jumpstart us.
2. Got to daycare and realized I had no checks to pay the bill.
3. Forgot that Mondays are early out and had to rearrange my whole schedule.
4. Had to rearrange the schedule again when the reading intervention teacher gave me her new schedule for Mondays vs. rest of week.
5. Had to slightly rearrange schedule again when special area teachers changed start times.
6. Faced up to the fact that no, I am still NOT PREGNANT so please stop asking!
7. Had to leave early and couldn't get work done when car wouldn't start again, so RJ had to jump start car again, and we took the jeep so he could go to the auto parts store to relpace the battery
8. Stirling ate a jumbo sized blue crayon
9. Stirling dumped glitter on the kitchen floor while I made dinner.
10. Stirling then did not eat any of the dinner I made.
11. While cleaning up said floor, ripped my favorite dancing skirt.
12. Was then late for belly dance class.
13. Get home to find that RJ and Stirling had spent all evening at the pharmacy and had just arrived home well after Stirling's bedtime eating McDonalds instead of the meal I prepared earlier!
14...... Well, the day isn't over yet, so who knows?

Ok, maybe just a bad day. Nothing catastrophic or really horrible happened. I have a good husband who helped me a lot, my class was pretty good today, and the sun was shining. It was just one of those days. On the bright side tomorrow has got to be better, right?!!