Thursday, December 30, 2010

Funny boy!

Stirling is at an age where he says things that are so cute. A lot of what he says is mimicing what he hears and it sounds so funny coming from a two year old. Today he got into the cupboard, grabbed one of my shopping bags, marched into the dining room and announced, "I'm going to the store. I going to buy stuff." So I ask what he is going to buy and he scrunches up his forehead, points his finger at me and says, "I will buy coffee for you at the store mama." Then he opened the front door and walked out.
He has also been telling us lately, "I'm going to work, see you later," right before he leaves the house.
What a funny boy.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Although we would have loved to be with our families, we had a wonderful Christmas this year. Stirling was very excited on Christmas Eve to the point of being wild, and so was ready for all the festivities of Christmas day. As we opened our stockings, Stirling was thrilled and exclaimed about each item, taking his time to play with each one and enjoy it. To be honest, we could have just done a stocking, and he would have been satisfied. After stockings we ate our traditional Christmas breakfast of sausage and orange rolls before we opened the rest of the gifts. Stirling had waited so patiently for so many days, that he had no problem waiting a little longer to open presents. Each present was also exclaimed over and taken out of packaging to be played with. I was so proud of how nicely Stirling behaved and I am so glad he enjoyed all the new toys he received. After a delicious pot roast and roasted veggies for dinner that RJ made, we lit a few fireworks outside and then came in to have birthday cake for Baby Jesus. It was a very special day of blessings!
Here are some pictures of Christmas morning.

Family picture and we all smiled and only needed to take one shot!

Stirling cuddling in the "Very Hungry Catepillar" blanket from Gaga, Auntie Jann, and Cousin Shirley!

RJ was happy to receive "Coraline" from the Smeads!

Yay! Truck books from Ry and Opa.

Stirling created "snow" from packing materials on the living room floor. RJ was not thrilled, but I thought it was kind of funny!

Eating Christmas candy- look at that silly grin!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Winter Fun!

I know... it doesn't really look like winter! We have been enjoying cool weather and have been spending some fun time outdoors lately. There was one day in particular that was just beautiful and we found a big pile of leaves to play in. Stirling also discovered the excitement of climbing trees. Now, whenever we go for walks, he looks for trees he can climb with or without help from us.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hot Air Balloons!

8 Weeks

Here I am on November 8th, at about 8 weeks pregnant with baby #2. Surprise! to those of you who don't know yet!

(And no, I am not starting to show... that is my regular old shape :P )

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bellydance Performance

Here are some pics of my bellydance performance last month.

Me backstage after the performance.

Monday night beginners class.

Dress rehearsal on Friday night.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Son the Pot-Head and Other Fall Fun

Pot head!


Pumpkin Patch/Festival at a local church

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Stirling has some interesting eating habits- but this one is ok with me!


Stirling actually sat still and let me cut his hair this weekend. I have been meaning to do it for weeks, but have been putting it off becuase he screams and squirms and I am always afraid I'll get him with the scissors. This time, I showed him the scissors, squirt bottle, and comb before hand and explained what I was going to do. He still got a little squirmy, but calmed down pretty well once I told him that he could go swimming when he was done, if he was a good boy. He really didn't like the bits of hair that got on him, but once I brushed him off, he didn't care about the swimming any more. He looks so handsome! But also a lot older- he certainly doesn't look like my little toddler any more. :(

Monday, September 13, 2010

Colleen and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day

(Well, that may be a slight exaggeration. But only slightly!)
1. Car wouldn't start this morning so Rj had to jumpstart us.
2. Got to daycare and realized I had no checks to pay the bill.
3. Forgot that Mondays are early out and had to rearrange my whole schedule.
4. Had to rearrange the schedule again when the reading intervention teacher gave me her new schedule for Mondays vs. rest of week.
5. Had to slightly rearrange schedule again when special area teachers changed start times.
6. Faced up to the fact that no, I am still NOT PREGNANT so please stop asking!
7. Had to leave early and couldn't get work done when car wouldn't start again, so RJ had to jump start car again, and we took the jeep so he could go to the auto parts store to relpace the battery
8. Stirling ate a jumbo sized blue crayon
9. Stirling dumped glitter on the kitchen floor while I made dinner.
10. Stirling then did not eat any of the dinner I made.
11. While cleaning up said floor, ripped my favorite dancing skirt.
12. Was then late for belly dance class.
13. Get home to find that RJ and Stirling had spent all evening at the pharmacy and had just arrived home well after Stirling's bedtime eating McDonalds instead of the meal I prepared earlier!
14...... Well, the day isn't over yet, so who knows?

Ok, maybe just a bad day. Nothing catastrophic or really horrible happened. I have a good husband who helped me a lot, my class was pretty good today, and the sun was shining. It was just one of those days. On the bright side tomorrow has got to be better, right?!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sedro Woolley Vacation

After spending time in Ellensburg, Stirling and I visited Sedro Woolley to see my family. We enjoyed playing outside a lot, although the cold foggy mornings were a bit cooler than I expected. Stirling had fun playing in the wading pool, going to the beach and a nearby creek, meeting his Grammy and Grampy Greff, and playing at the playground. I was really glad to see my family. It didn't last long enough!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Vacation to Ellensburg

After going to Moira and Brian's wedding in Seattle, RJ unfortunately had to return home to Yuma. However, Stirling and I were able to stay and make a trip over to Ellensburg. Boy is Stirling having fun with Opa and Ry. He is loving all the animals and tractors!