I love, love, love listening to Stirling's attempts to communicate! He impresses me everyday with just how many words he knows. All I have to do is tell him something once, and he remembers. He says two and three word sentences quite oftne, and can even say four word sentences occasionally, such as, "dis is a button." He can now count to two, can identify and name many body parts, and is learning his colors. Right now, everything is yellow or green though, so he has a ways to go! We are trying to encourage manners too. Stirling says please appropriately, but when we tell him to "say thank you Stirling," he says "weccom," (you're welcome) instead! It just makes me smile to hear his cute little voice ask for the things he wants, and then get so pleased when it happens! He is learning the power of words! Here are some of my favorites"
"mo duce" (more juice)
"pese" (please)
"appasauce" (applesauce)
"ah-sigh" (outside)
"sues" (shoes)
The amount of temper tantrums and hitting is decreasing now that his vocabulary is growing. Yay! I am such a proud mama!