Sunday, July 19, 2009


Yesterday we had a huge storm in the late afternoon. It seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute Stirling was sitting and coloring in his chair; the next minute a huge gust of wind blew in the double doors behind him. There were so many strong gusts that the doors kept blowing in, and I had to stand there and hold them shut. Leaves were being whipped across the yard, and large branches came crashing down. And when you get wind like that in Yuma, you get sandstorms. There was so much dirt and dust in the air I could barely see the cars on the road out front. It was awful. I went outside for 30 seconds to take a picture, and came back in coated with a fine layer of grit. Luckily the dust storm only lasted about 15 minutes before the rain came- our first monsoon of the season! Stirling and I went outside to play in the rain and it was brown from all the dirt in the air. Gross! We also heard a few peals of thunder. It was kind of fun to watch and I was very thankful the power didn't go out because it was still about 110 degrees outside and we couldn't have done without the air conditioning. A

1 comment:

  1. What a cool shot though! At first I thought it was a painting.
