The weather so far in 2010 has been very unusual. Generally, whatever rain we get here in Yuma happens during "monsoon season" in the summer months. This past summer was a little drier than usual and the rains finally arrived in January this year. We had a few days at the end of January that were so torrentially rainy that schools were closed due to flash flood warnings and becuase busses couldn't get through to some areas. We had another really rainy, stormy day this past weekend. I took Stirling outside to play in the puddles in the morning when there was a break in the downpour. He had fun splashing around and ended up soaked up to his knees. That afternoon I couldn't believe that he and RJ both slept throught the huge thunderstorm that passed right over us. It was so loud it was making me jump!
Global warming or El Nino at work? It is cute to see Stirling wading in a puddle - an activity I enjoy too when it is warm outside! Too bad he slept through the thunderstorm. It would have been fun to hear what he had to say about the noise from the sky! Grandma Smead
I live in a small town in Washington with my wonderful husband RJ, and our sons Stirling, and Logan. Life can get a little busy sometimes, so I began this site to give family and friends a glimpse of our lives since I don't talk with everyone as often as I should.
Global warming or El Nino at work? It is cute to see Stirling wading in a puddle - an activity I enjoy too when it is warm outside! Too bad he slept through the thunderstorm. It would have been fun to hear what he had to say about the noise from the sky! Grandma Smead