Friday, June 26, 2009

Little Genius?

Stirling has two favorite pastimes- reading and playing on the computer. And when I say reading, I mean that he likes for me to read the same book to him over and over and over and over. I think I have at least 4 or 5 books memorized. "Mouse put one star on the Christmas tree. He added two angels, three snowflakes...." Stirling's main goal while we are reading is to turn the pages as fast as possible so that I have to read at light speed. For some books I have just started naming nouns- " a duck, ball, bear," so I can get something out before we flip again!

Stirling has also started enjoying the computer. Or as he calls it, "ba-puh." He stands at the computer chair and gazes at the screen. If we leave the keyboard too close to the edge of the desk, he'll grab and pull. I found a couple of websites that have games for babies. All the baby is required to do is whack the keyboard. Any key runs the game. Except however, all of the wonderful function keys, control keys, and windows keys. Today, Stirling somehow managed to open 41 search windows in the space of about 2 seconds. Took me a lot longer than that to close them all! He has fun watching the games and pounding on our keyboard though, so I live with the wackiness that he is causing on the computer.

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